In keeping with the principle of management by objectives...
Department directors’ evaluation of the administrative apparatus...with Tanta arts
In implementation of the directives of Professor Dr. Mahmoud Zaki, President of the University, and
to achieve the principle of management by objectives, and under the auspices of Professor Dr.
Mamdouh Al-Masry, Dean of the College
Today, Wednesday, I conducted an evaluation of the performance of the department directors of the
administrative body at the Faculty of Arts, Tanta University, through the Evaluation Committee,
which was formed with the membership of Dr. Abdel-Razzaq Bassiouni Al-Koumi, Vice Dean of the
College for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Dr. Hala El-Sayed Nada, Director of the Quality
Assurance Unit at the College, and Dr. Tahani Allam, Director of the Performance Evaluation Unit.
At the university, Dr. Mohamed Gamal Qenawi, Secretary General of the College,
This evaluation comes within the framework of raising the level of efficiency of the college’s
administrative apparatus and achieving the principle of management by objectives.
